A client chose Nuvation Engineering to develop a motor controller board for their new battery-powered outdoor equipment.

Design Features:
- Drives mid-size motors (1kW range) in heavy-duty outdoor tools such as lawnmowers, earth and ice augers, snowblowers, etc.
- 2-board solution includes one metal core PCB which provides superior thermal properties, supporting 50A in a compact PCB form factor
- Nuvation-developed fully custom sensorless PMSM and BLDC motor controller platform to support customer-defined and safety features
- Supports regenerative and rheostatic braking
- Generated code using MathWorks® Simulink, which simplifies future product iterations
- Field oriented control (FOC) algorithms intelligently adjust magnetic fields in electric motor for highly precise torque and speed control
- Texas Instruments C2000 processor
Services Provided: